
From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 13:03:53 +1300

Philip Hibbs:

Me>>What "long lasting" Secret Societies are these? We are talking about
>>something that has survived almost 900 years (from the conquest and
>>destruction of the Dark Empire down to modern times). I do not know
>>of a RW secret society that has lasted that long!

>Also, there are two added factors in Glorantha: magic, which can prove that
>the secrets that the society are founded around *are* true,

Like Divination, I suppose. Just because magic can prove that the secrets are 'true' does not entail that the society or religion will survive unchanged over great periods of time.

>and longevity -
>it's not too hard to imagine that many of the Grand Masters lived to two
>hundred or more.

Save that the God Learners conquered the Dark Empire. I think that being a Grand Master would have a rather short life expectancy.

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