>>[Vith is Zzabur's equivalent]'s not from the Western Perspective,
>>it's a cosmological secret uncovered by the God Learners.
>So, are you suggesting that the god learners are right and
>the Vithelans are wrong in this case? If so, I don't agree.
And you would be wrong.
>I that they are both right, in which case the comparison is
How can they both be right? Either Vith is the metaphysical equivalent of Zzabur or he isn't.
>>> I have no problem with westerners somehow
>>> equating Vith and Zzabur, but you wouldn't get enlightened
>>> Gloranthan metaphysicists to agree that they are equals,
>>> while they just might agree down to 1/Atrilith/Creator.
>> This is giving supremacy to the mystical perspective, an error.
>Nope, it's taking a neutral viewpoint. To clarify, imagine
>two unbelievably open-minded Gloranthan scholars, one westerner
>and one easterner. They _might_ see similarities between the
>concepts of the creator/ultimate figures, but they would disagree
>completely about Vith and Zzabur.
Um, Nils, being X's equals is not the same thing as being X. Zzabur is Vith's equal or equivalent in that he is the primal master of the Western perspective just as Vith is the primal master of the Eastern. I fail to see how they would 'disagree completely' about this.
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