
From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 14:56:21 +1300

Richard Crawley:

>Has anyone thought that Krarshtkids might have begun as Gremlins
>i.e. as Mostali tunnelling Nilmergs gone wrong and subsequently
>brought under control by the cult of Krarsht?

Different bodyshape (Nilmergs are humanoid while Krarshtkids are six-legged mouths) and different environments (Krarshtkids prefer softer soil such as clay, loam and sand).

>Or is there some info on this I've missed - I don't recall anything in
>Cults of Terror.

They are reportedly the bits torn off the devouring mother by Storm Bull according to CoT. The Mostali may have different myths of how they were made.

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