>Given the highly stratified Dara Happan traditions that underlie the Lunar
>Empire, it seems inevitable that one's status is still important after
>death. So, is it likely that free descendants of a slave might seek to
>posthumously free their ancestor? What rules might exist about this?
AFAIK slavery is primarily a lunar institution as opposed to a Dara Happan one. This is because the Dara Happans have ample access to customary labor (such as serfs and the corvee) already. The Lunars being a relatively new religion do not have the same access to customary labor and must rely on slaves instead.
While a large number of Lunars are influenced by Dara Happan customs, others are not (being influenced by Carmanian, Pelandan, Darjiinian etc). The Lunar Way itself is not concerned with the status of one's ancestors as it believes that the Goddess is ancestral to everyone.
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