Fun Guys to be with

Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 12:32:33 EDT

John Holmes:-

<< "Remember, these are mushroom people!"  

 Voralans spend almost all of their time in the dark, doing absolutely  nothing, and getting high on their 'shrooms.

Which is OK by me. What I think is interesting about these guys is their sudden bursts of activity. Mushrooms spring up overnight and I think Voralans should too. I view a Voralan as the 'mushroom' part of a fungi. They mostly exist underground as a kind of group mind type thing, the Voralan 'people' are only the active, moving parts - the 'fruit' of the real Dark Elf. I would have to re read an old school textbook about fungi reproduction but I'm pretty sure it is the only bit Voralan 'people' appear for , with their swollen heads distributing spores or whatever it is. What I'm really scared of is the Atheletes Foot Voralan.

Keith N

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