What is wrong with the notion of Jaldon being a barbarian hero
that we have to manufacture a God Learner origin for him?
I'm not really agreeing or disagreeing with either John Holmes or Peter. I haven't decided yet which is more fun . Of course Jaldon is a barbarian hero but he is more than that too - he is a crazed mystic, he has weird artefacts and a strange beast. He is covered in tatoos that you cannot look at etc etc. He is certainly not a Conan the barbarian style barbarian. I see him more as 'mad mullah' (if that term isn't too offensive), meaning some desert mystic with strong religious convictions, devoted followers and the capacity to inspire savage nomads. He is utterly beyond the comprehension of civilised people.
Peter has stated previously that Jaldon has been around before 940(which, to be honest, I hadn't really been aware of) but really made an impact around 940 after being struck by a vision of perfect teeth on the Plateau of Statues after years in the East. My current opinion is that Jaldon was a normal barbarian hero, and that something made him change just before 940 - either something he learnt in the East, or a revelation on the Plateau, or something. In the East just prior to 940 we would still have had the New Dragon Ring - who , in my view, are a kind of Godlearner seduced by Dragon Magic. Certainly they have contacts with the Middle Sea Empire, admittedly a collapsing Empire and therefore contact with some Godlearner techniques/methods. Also, we have Teshnos, ruled by the East India Company, oops sorry, the Eest colonies of the Middle Sea Empire (someone correct me on this) - Godlearners!
Plenty of 'Jaldon meets Godlearners' scope. Still, Peter is right in saying that there is no reason to suggest it happened. I think it more fun to not to be definite. Perhaps its far more convoluted than I imagine.
Keith N
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