A scenario...

From: Sir Alisander <sir.alisander_at_earthling.net>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 20:27:16 +0200

        A scenario about the threat of Chaos which I hope isn't neither boring nor simplistic.

        The PCs live in a village that has been struck by a terrible plague. The Healers have cleansed the place but want, as tradition dictates, half the yearly income of each inhabitant. The villagers cannot pay, but the elders are afraid that if the plague strikes again, they will be low on the list of priorities. So the White Woman asks them instead to send to the Temple a band of young people (the PCs) for an unspecified task.

        The task is to accompany a Healer to a village, which is rumored to offer sacrifices to Malia. On the way, they meet a depressed Storm Bull initiate that went to the village and fought with the Broos who live amongst the villagers. He was defeated and impregnated. That's the stake: if they want to clean the village of its chaotic taint, they must fight a duel with the Broos who "protect" the inhabitants. If the PCs lose, they will be impregnated.

        Once in the village they discover that the villagers actually look at the Broos as their town militia and support them in the fight, as does an initiate (or more) of Malia who doesn't actively participate. On the contrary, the Healer does absolutely nothing. She even insists that none of the Broos be killed. Why is this? Because she is on a HeroQuest. She must prove herself worthy by showing that Compassion and Piety (Chalana Arroy's) are stronger ideals than Hatred and Fear (Malia's). The PCs are just pawns in this game, but they are also Life's Champions. If they refuse or kill something, it is obvious that the Healer's ideals can't stand the Broos', so that theirs is the True Way. The Champions of Life must use their weapons (honor and mercy) to defeat Anti-Life at his own game (treachery and death). Keep in mind that PCs are supposed to be farmers' son and the like...

        Why does the Healer choose them instead of Wind Lords and Storm Khans? Because these have no choice. Their vows compel them to fight Chaos at any stake. What matters is the decision of those who can make a free choice. If they choose to risk their lives (and maybe more...) for her, the Healer has thus proven her worthiness in the eyes of the Goddess and then can continue the Quest. If they refuse it's as if they participate actively in the chaotic corruption of the world.

	Tell me what you think of it, please.
	A Lunar Alex


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