re: Is Chaos Natural?

From: Morgan Conrad <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:32:21 -0700

Seems to me that Simon and Nick (and perhaps others) use the term "nature" to mean "Glorantha in the Golden Age". Allow me to suggest that somehow we *DO* find a better term for that - Glorantha Law ain't that bad. And I agree that Chaos is anti-whateverthenewtermis. However, I also believe that "Glorantha in the Golden Age" has very little to do with 3rd age Gloranthan nature.

Given this, does that mean Orlanth is an enemy of nature? :-)

For those who comment that Chaos is too easily used as a strawman bad guy, I suggest that you run Lunar characters. We have, and it's very fascinating to consider their reactions to Chaos, Enlightenment, and a fascinating empire which offers freedom, slavery, advanced culture and bureaucratic corruption. IMO, fas more interesting than the more typical "Orlanthi going to bop chaos" rut into which some campaigns seem to slip.

Morgan Conrad

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