Exegesis or MGF?

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_Brooke_at_csi.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 10:00:45 +0100

Alisandre asked:

> BTW, is accuracy more important than MGF? Maybe it is not proper for me
> to ask, but are we exegetes of Greg Stafford? Or are we trying to find
> the most enjoyable view of Glorantha? ;-)

The latter, of course. This *can* be done through Staffordian exegesis and close adherence to the corpus of published material, which is probably the best approach all round.

Where it can't (e.g. where GS's quirky views of Yelmalio's recent creation would damage one of the best RuneQuest campaign settings ever), I'd always rate the enjoyable/ plausible MGF alternative over daftly literal adhesion to "ipse dixits".

Cheers, Nick

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