You don't find it more realistic and intuitive to know that you broke your leg in the fall, instead of being told that your armour stopped 6 pts of damage, but that 10 pts still got through to your leg?
I like to know what happens to my character; what happens on the character sheet is quite secondary.
What do you think a storytelling game-style is, anyway? Rules-free dice-less make-believe?
>The typical ploy, eh, to take anyone who prefers a few actual rules and
>label them simulationists or wargamers?
Grow up, Brian. Respond to what i write, and not your own misconceptions about storytelling game-styles.
I haven't called anyone a simulationist or a wargamer (i did call Steve Lieb a *ruleplayer*, which is a quite other thing). Nor have i advocated that fewer rules or no rules at all is good thing. I like rules and game mechanics that are geared towards the experience of the game-world, instead of obstructing that experince. It's quite irrelevant whether the rules are few or many.
Lest i be accused of that too, i'd also like to say that i abhor dice-less gaming.
>Hard is it may be to believe,
>there are lots of people who don't want to play in a game world where
>combat consists of 20 people swinging from chandeliers Errol Flynn-style,
>with nobody on the ground actually fighting... ;)
Hard as it may be for you to believe, i'm one of them.
End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #534
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