><< HW is different from RQ, sure, but not on any paradigm-shift level.>>
> OTOH, the Issaries people having been claiming at conventions etc. that
>HW *is* a paradigm shift from RQ. I felt at the time they were probably
>exaggerating :-)
Bah. The only real shift is in attitude, as seen in how the mechanics are designed.
><< HW is designed for creating dramatic action and a sense of adventure. RQ
> designed for realistic simulation (and, as all such endeavours must, failing
>at it, IMO).>>
> This seems to imply that HW is unrealistic, and/or that a system cannot
>be both realistic and dramatic. Is that a fair summary of your position?
No. To me, HW resolution produces realistic outcomes and dramatic action. Mind you, i don't know what you find realistic or dramatic, so my statement may not be very informative. Though drama and realism are certainly not mutually exclusive.
To mention the flip side, what's so realistic about RQ? Detailed, yes. But realistic? I'm unconvinced. In RQ a character can be bashed to within 1 HP of your life, and still not suffer any penalties on any actions, even though you should be in no condition to do anything more strenuous than moaning in pain. The fact that a system is detailed doesn't make it realistic.
I don't think HW is perfect; it's far from perfect. But it's better suited than RQ ever was for experiencing adventures in Glorantha.
>IMO, having social rules that resemble the
>combat rules of a game is almost too hideous to contemplate, no matter how
>good they are :-)
Actually, it's the other way around. Combat uses the same mechanics as every other type of contest.
>Personally, I'm
>pretty confident that I won't use the HW system, although I'll certainly
>pinch bits of it for my own Gloranthan gaming. That doesn't mean I think its
>a bad system, just that what I've heard doesn't appeal to me; fortunately I
>suspect I'm in a minority potential-new-converts-wise so I'm not too worried
>by that.
I wonder how many of the playtesters who have the complete drafts still prefer RQ to HW. I doubt there's many.
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