
From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 12:20:39 +0100

Alexandre Lanciani :

>That, indeed, was the idea. The Compromise *forced* the Gods to become
>champions of order and stability. The Lunar Goddess represents, as someone
>else said, Progress (all of this from a Lunar POV).

The Compromise didn't force the gods to do anything. That's not what a compromise is. The gods volunterily chose to make a Compromise. This did not change their fundamental nature, but it did change the nature of Glorantha as a whole. The Gods are still the same gods as before, but they helped Arachne Solara change the world in order to save it.

This may have the effect of limiting what the gods can and cannot do, but a man in a gaol cell is still a man, even though his choice of actions have been limited (very poor anaolgy I'm afraid).

>BTW, is accuracy more important than MGF? Maybe it is not proper for me to
>ask, but are we exegetes of Greg Stafford? Or are we trying to find the most
>enjoyable view of Glorantha? ;-)

I think Glorantha as it is described is extremely enjoyable. Why try to fix something that isn't broken? I'd rather spend my time expanding our knowledge of Glorantha through discussion and by building consensus.

Simon Hibbs

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