>The HW evangelists on this list smell suspiciously similar to WW
>evangelists I've come across. This, alone, has convinced me that HW is
>in the "do not buy until I can read a non shrink-wrapped copy cover to
>cover" category. This is a change from the "buy on the odd chance that I
>might want to, if nothing else, steal stuff from it" category.
Well, I'm sure you're perfectly capable of making up your own mind any way you choose.
>So, HW evangelists, is that what you wanted? It's what you got.
Why should anyone give a stuff? It's your choice and nobody's trying to take that away from you. Maybe you will like it, maybe you won't. I'm not going to prejudge that any more than I hope you are going to pre-judge the game, sight unseen, as so many people seem to be doing.
Simon Hibbs
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