Well, sure. *Those* sorts of Pathologically Violent Thugs end up as either a Khan of Khans (through the Waha cult, mind you), or in the bottom of a dry gully with a large axe between their scapulae.
What the Storm Impala (to name but its most comic instance <g>) cult does is to attract a certain _type_ of Violent Thug (we can quibble over the exact psychopathology), whose Rage, Inner Pain, yaddayadda, is such that he's not happy in mainstream Praxian society, miserable enough as most of us might find that, but wishes to seek out a yet _more_ horrible existence, slaughtering his way through some of the most mind-wrenching things to be found this side of Dorastor. But this isn't totally imcomprehensible, as Praxian society is regularly battered with Chaos, so there's no real shortage of individuals traumatised into being driven to fight it.
> Second, the worst thing to do to *pathologicaly violent thugs* would be to
> put them in a 'getto', all toghether, and uncontroled.
Unless of course that said ghettoisation gives them a purpose, and a socially useful one at that, and for the most part, keep them out of 'normal society's' hair.
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