Beat-Pot Aelwrin

From: Mikael Raaterova <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 10:00:00 +0200

Keith Nellist:
>The point I'm trying to make (while getting slightly carried away with my
>example) is that everyone will be sure that their best skill is *the* best
>way of doing *anything* . And, in this game system, it may be the best (if
>the GM can be persuaded) .

Well, how do you think Beat-Pot Aelwrin got so powerful? Cooking *is* the most powerful ability around.

Seriously, if the GM feels a certain ability is indeed appropriate in a given situation then the player can use it. For me, this is a virtue of the HW rules since it is flexible. For others it may be flaw since it lacks structure.

Your point is valid; HW as a game depends a lot on the GM and the players. But what game doesn't?

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