More berserking

From: Simon Hibbs <>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 12:04:33 +0100

 Brian Tickler :

> >You forgot the "IMO" on that first sentence. The fact is, there's no
> >such thing as a "culturally acceptable home" for "pathologically violent
> >thugs"; these two don't equate. You might as well say that because some
> >people join the military due to their "Soldier of Fortune" outlook on
> >life that everyone in the military is a mass-murdering psycho.

>Ummm, when I made the analogy above, I was referring to military in the
> know, like I did further down with Catholic priests? How this
>translates into your understanding that I'm saying that Stormbull is the
>miltary arm of Waha...*especially* given the discussions we've just waded
>through...well, its Befuddling :).

If you were not comparing 'the military' to the storm bull cult, what were you doing?

>Good one, Simon. You remove my point, "characterize" it as "meaningless
>and irrelevent" ranting, and then accuse *me* of putting up a straw man?

Ok, the paragraph I refered to was :

>So, let's see here then...Trolls are only allowed to eat, Stormbulls to
>drink and kill Chaos and fight everybody else, Humakti to kill everybody.
>Why then are Wahas not just sitting around performing Peaceful Cut rituals
>all day? Oh, that's right...Wahas are supposed to be people with full lives
>and complex decisions to make. All those other cults/races don't have to
>deal with that kind of depth though...they only exist to provide politically
>correct 1-dimensional cardboard examples of the Seven Deadly Sins, and to
>be shunned and avoided by enlightened role-players everywhere...unless
>you're running such a character as comedy relief for your game, of course,
>then it's ok...

None of these opinions have been expressed by anyone other than you in the above paragraph. There are enough straw men in there to field an army of the damn things. At least I was responding to something you actualy posted, not something I made up from whole cloth.

>Anyway, this thread seems to have run its course (at least for me), since
>I'm mostly having to defend myself in the last few posts, and not my opinions...

Being above miss-characterizing anyone elses opinion yourself, of course.

Simon Hibbs

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