Simulationist? Rubbish!

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 09:06:09 -0400 (EDT)

> From: David Cake <>
> Bryan Maloney said
> >Being able to do descriptive combat is easy. All players simply have to
> >devote a bit of serious study to two or three different types of martial
> >arts. It'll also ameliorate the effects of having a sedentary hobby like
> >gaming.
> thus he outs himself as a hard core simulationist. Being a firm
> believer in a more cinematic style, IMO all you have to do is devote a bit
> of serious study to Hong Kong action movies (which movies exactly depends
> on genre, but you can find just about anything - non-Hong Kong movies
> probably just don't have sufficient action, though). This does very little

You're being EXACTLY as "simulationist" as you accuse me of being. You merely have a different underlying "reality" you choose to simulate. I like simulating combat according to principles of studying combat. You like simulating combat according to Foo movies. In BOTH cases, we are mere simulationist scum, since you explicitly state that you likewise commit the cardinal sin of doing research--merely researching a different "reality" to simulate.

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