Funny you should say that. Did you read ShangHsa's story, when it was a Month of the Month? (Leaving aside the question of Darudism's "Orthodoxy", which it probably is not.)
I don't know that Dragonewts have been Officially Ordained to be mystics, per se, but there do seem to be broad hints at parellels, at least. Perhaps we should say they're "best understood in human terms" as some sort of scaly mystics.
Also notice that the Official Religion of Kralorela is mysticism (of a sort, at least at bottom), and Kralorela includes numerous 'newt settlements, on some more-or-less official basis, and the populace are found 'paying their respects' to the 'newts, asking advice of dragons, etc.
This sort of explicit association between mysticism and dragons is fairly particular to Kralorela, AFAIK. Doubtless East Islanders consider the Linkage weird, heterodox, and perverse...
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