Re: Tarsh vs Sartar

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 21:00:19 -0700

Adam Betteridge asked

> would a worshipper of Orlanth be able to worship the Lunar Goddess?

Why is this even a question? Of course the answer is yes. Look at Rascius (clearly a Lunarized name), the one-eyed king of Aggar (you can look at him in more detail in Enclosure 2). Aggar is and has always been an Orlanthi stronghold. Aggar is not going to have anyone but an Orlanthi as its king.

Don't forget that worship doesn't mean initiation. I don't think you could be an initiate of both religions. But you don't have to be an initiate to offer worship.

> Lunars are introducing different ideas, hereditary rulership,
> taxation etc.

Hereditary rulership is IMO an old Vingkotling custom (which, BTW, was resurrected by Sartar for his kingdom). I believe there's a reason everyone didn't just bump off Bad King Urgrain (the classic example of a Vingkotling king in my book), and one of the reasons is that there would have been no other lawful king. Nobody else had the right blood.

Furthermore, Tarsh is also an example of a hereditary kingdom -- well before it became Lunarized (Arim's grandson if I recall correctly, or maybe great-grandson, was the first king who asserted his right to rule solely by his bloodline).

> it appears to be the Tarshites in Sartar that are causing the problems

You have been listening to (Not Bloody) Jeff!

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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