RE:Invisible God

From: Ian Gorlick <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 17:32:04 -0400

Julian Lord suggests Invisiblism as a new heresy and seeks a better name. How about the Pure Faith, since it emphasizes faith over proof. The followers would be called Puritans.

It should actually be a main-stream branch of the Malkioni church somewhere, rather than just a fringe heresy. Somewhere there must be monotheists who haven't fallen into the trap of deifying mere mortal saints but have reserved their worship for the One True God. Yeah, I know the poor benighted saint worshippers claim that they are "venerating" rather than "worshipping" the saints, but there isn't really any difference. You give up a part of your spirit/soul/life-essence to the saint/false-god and it gives you some trifling miracle in return: pure paganism! That is the heresy!! Puritanism is the Orthodoxy!

Jose's 4-way split of opinion on saints sounds very promising. We just need to work out which sects endorse each position. Or maybe the major sects are themselves currently split on this issue. Sectarian struggle is good for MGF. Especially if your players enjoy CREDO!

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