> >Well, one may or may not be. The point is those concepts aren't
> >anything much to do with what it _means_ to be an Antigod, nor
> >indeed much in the Eastern scheme of things at all.
> True. Put it this way, using eastern definitions, antigods
> are not anti-nature.
I still don't know what you mean by the 'eastern definition of nature' (or anti-nature), so I can't entirely sign up to this, on the pig-in-a-poke principle. If one picks some concept reasonable close to the Orlanthi definition of 'nature' we were kicking around, then yes. (Say, 'the manifest world', or 'the frangible', to wax Greglike.)
> If they are anti anything it's Liberation.
Indeed yes. Or in general, anti-[insert name of desired mystical state].
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