RE:Invisible God

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 16:18:35 +0100 (BST)

Ian Gorlick on Invisiblism/Puritanism:
> It should actually be a main-stream branch of the Malkioni church somewhere,
> rather than just a fringe heresy. Somewhere there must be monotheists who
> haven't fallen into the trap of deifying mere mortal saints but have
> reserved their worship for the One True God.

I would have said 'Rokarism', personally. Or a very large strand of thought within Rokarism. But I'm most uncertain if this is consistent with the Official Line these days. Where's the Seshnegi expert when we need him (or her)? I imagine Nick is a likely man to pump, here.

> Jose's 4-way split of opinion on saints sounds very promising. We just need
> to work out which sects endorse each position. Or maybe the major sects are
> themselves currently split on this issue. Sectarian struggle is good for
> MGF. Especially if your players enjoy CREDO!

Yeppers. I think the split is likely more than 'merely' on different interpretations of Saint worship, but the actual magic differs too. Everything from outright henotheism to pure iconoclasm, just about. As Dave C. says, 'standard' Saint worship smacks someone of Adoptionism of the theist mode. Some documentedly push this even further. Contrariwise, I think that other sects use Saint worship to obtain only 'wizardly' type benefits, whereas others abstain from even that.


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