from ECT to fefuoaiah

Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 16:47:01 EDT

Simon Hibbs:
<< E.C.T. on one side and the F.E.F.U.o.A.I.a.H  >on the other. ...  

 Erwot? Wot's a Fefuoaiah, how do I kill it and wot duz it taste like?  I had an Ect for supper last night. Luverly!  

 Sorry, you've lost me.

I should apologise. I got it from Nils's description of the cosnmos:-

These are continuous spectra, with the

 high gods' world at the [e]ternal, [c]hangeless, [t]ranscendent
 end and the [f]leeting, [e]ver-[f]luctuating [u]nderworld [o]f 
 [a]ntigods, [i]llusions [a]nd [h]ells at the other end.


[my brackets]

Keith N

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