I still see no reason why you can't walk out of a temple to Orlanth, where you've just made a sacrifice to the Storm God, and walk into a temple to the Seven Mothers and make a sacrifice to the Red Moon. (Much as Jeff Richard describes.) This is how I understood the original question. (If the question had been, "can my RQ character be an initiate of both?" I'd have said no.)
Yes, in the 1600s, the Red Goddess and Orlanth have set each other in opposition. This is recent in the history of the Orlanth religion (even if it's certainly long enough to make a difference). The Castle Blue story in King of Sartar is pretty clearly not contemporary with Castle Blue.
And OK, this fact does provide a reason you can't worship both: you will be killed by other Orlanth-worshippers. But it's not a rule of the cosmos, and is a relatively recent interpretation.
It is not a core part of Orlanthi belief over the ages, unlike say "thou shalt not tolerate an Evil Emperor." (Again, politics makes the situation murkier, since the Red Goddess seems to have taken pains to identify herself with Yelm the Emperor.) I think it would be a lot harder for an Orlanth worshipper to worship Yelm (from both sides).
Don't forget that most Lunars want and have nothing to do with Chaos; the Orlanthi of the Empire surely fall in this camp.
Peter Metcalfe
> The Veneration of Saints is based upon the worship of Ancestors,
> _not_ Gods (Animism, not Theism).
This won't shed much light, but I think Greg and I confused each other discussing this very topic today. He first made Animism comments, then said something about saint worship and Lhankor Mhy. Well I, at least, found no clarity in this.
David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_pensee.com> Glorantha/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein
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