> In my Glorantha the Red Moon is visible as a small stellar body
> outside the glowline, low on the horizon. Crossing the glowline over
> the distance of a few miles, it rises and expands miraculously getting
> higher and higher in the sky as one approaches Glamour, where it hangs
> directly overhead and is huge
That's be my vote too, though with some caveats about 'small' and
'huge', and how fast and how high it rises. It seems certain it doesn't just rise in any sane parallax type manner, though. However, there's no telling (or at least, little telling) whether this is theOfficial line (still). Someone ask Greg this at the Star Panel at Tentacles! (I'll be the one working him from behind, or at least, trying my best to...)
> My question is, where is the Glowline on this trip?
> The party will be passing through Boldhome and then heading up to Furthest
As you know, there were Plans to extend the Glowline to Sartar, by building a TotRM in Boldholm. (The magico-religious site, not the 'zine!) See KoS for how well _that_ turned out... The Glowline seems to have been relatively constant in recent times, and is just outside of Bagnot, according to the DP map.
End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #595
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