Duck Wars!

Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 19:13:19 -0400 (EDT)

> Firstly the Ducks of Dragon Pass (or Durulz as they call themselves) are
> an isolated fragment of a God-Time culture called (as near as it can be
> rendered into modern speech) Ganderland. This lay on the slopes of the

So far okay.

> When Yelm was slain, some portion of the Duck Tribe defected from the
> worship of Yelm and joined the Orlanthi side, settling in Dragon Pass

Hold my cigar! This is OBVIOUSLY sun-type-guy inspired propaganda, promulgated to drive a wedge between our people and our natural Storm brethren.

I can assure you that our possession of feathers and a bill no more makes us birds than the Dryfoots' possession of a ridiculous blunt snout, atrocious breath, and their bizarre crests make them Baboons, although hearing stuff like this makes me wonder, sometimes.

We got TEETH, sun-boy. We ain't just birds.

> under the shadow of Orlanth's Mother Kero Fin and taking up Orlanthi
> religion and ways: they have an especially strong reverence for Humakt
> in recent centuries for the help he gives them against the Undead of the
> Upland Marsh.

Humuakt is dear to us for more than this, I can assure you. I will not be telling you too deep a secret if I let explain this:

Ernaada has more than one husband, which some of you know. While Dryfoots see Orlant as her husband (which is acceptable for them, since they are not Durulz), we know her primary husband to be Humuakt. More than this may be too dear a secret to impart willy-nilly.

> They have lost all but the vaugest traditions of their pre-Dawning
> culture (although there may be a few shamans who can contact really old

You just keep believing that, Dryfoot.

> of the Rivers they live along. They have always been stomped upon by the
> larger, stronger species around them and have developed an agressive
> attitude and a willingness to stick shortswords in the backs and the
> kneecaps of their enemies if that is the only way they will get respect.

Back OF the kneecap is best.

> They were happiest when the House of Sartar was strong and provided them
> a place among the tribes of the Kingdom and justice against those who

Sartar is the only Dryfoot who receives our worship. He alone of all Dryfoot leaders kept his word to us, not only in himself but through his line. His acts will save the Dryfoots when the Time of Denunciation comes.

> ability to retreat into the Upland Swamp and their sheer determination
> and courage got them through.

That, and some well-placed triplines.

> One other cause to the average Durulz' bad temper should be mentioned.
> At about the time of the Dawning, they suddenly and for no apparent
> reason lost the ability to fly. (For what I believe is the reason read
> my story mentioned above.) If they ever find out who is responsible, god
> or mortal, the Durulz will have their revenge.

We got our ideas. We just gotta wait for the right time. As for why it happened--well, remember that birds ain't the only things that can fly...  

> The Durulz are physically identical (except for some minor differences
> in feather colouration) to one of the tribes of the Keets of the East

Funny, but I'd say the same thing 'bout you Dryfoots. Except for your crests, you all pretty much look alike to me.

> is the latest Greg poop.) The Keets consist not only of intelligent
> Ducks but also Herons, Ravens and other tribes all living life as

Okay, THEY'RE birds. But that doesn't make US birds, any more than it makes you a monkey.

> continue to live in Dragon Pass under the Ban) nor give creedence to
> gods called Hueymakt or anything similar. The Ducks are a brave,
> stubborn and bloody minded people who deserve better than cheap jokes.

Damn straight, Dryfoot! But his name among us is closer to Humuakt than the way you say it. If I ever get my hands on the Dryfoot who came up with looeymakt and deweymakt, I'm gonna sell him to the Trolls.

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