New glorantha Products

From: Ingo Tschinke <>
Date: Mon, 31 May 1999 17:39:38 +0200

Hi Gloranthan Fans

Ye Booke of Tentacles is out since the 'Tentacles Reanimated' Con. Here you are getting a list of all Products of the Chaos Society:

Ye Booke of Tentacles # 1: 112 pages RQ-Socery Rules, Orlanthi Mythologies, City of Wonders, Pent Ridge - Sun County Prison, Seminar Transcripts RQ Cons '97 & 98: Lismelder, Malkionism, Lore Auction and some CoC material

                                                        18,- DM or UKP 6

Ye Booke of Tentacles # 1: 136 pages and full coulored; Revised Shaman Rules, Spirit Cult Rules, Watcher Spirits and Brownies, Extraordinary Magic, Deities and Major Spirits of the Grazer, The Temple of Rufdayen - Raibanth, Amad Folktales, The Nautiloids of Glorantha, The Hunting of Tar'Shyr, The Great sage and the Emperors, The Wolf Pirates, The First unity of Telmor and Yrr, Holiday Glorantha - The Men with the golden gun, How Elmal married Orlanth's Daughter, The Culbrea tribe, Antirius at the Hill of Gold, Soravator, Mother Power and the Lore Auction 1998 as well as material about Cthulhu, Nephilim, The Etneral Champion and Pendragon. 25,- DM or 8.50 UKP

Tradetalk # 5: Kethaela part 2: The Pharaoh, Kingdom of Night, People of Note in Kethaela, Caladraland, Cult of Vinga and Three Flowers. 6,- DM or 2 UKP

Tradetalk # 4: Kethaela part 1: The Holy Country, Port of Nochet, Rightarm Islands, Kingdom of Night, Points of Interest in the Holy Country, The Knights of Arthur. 6,- DM or 2 UKP

Tradetalk # 3: Ralios East Wilds issue: Naskorion; The east Wilds; The stygian Church, Growing Pains, The ralian Myth Cycle, Korlar's Trip to Kilwin, The Strangers Tale, Trolls and Tusk Riders, The Curious Cases of Titus Crow and Money Chase. 6,- DM or 2 UKP

Tradetalk # 2: Ralios Safelster issue: Tiskos, Kustria, The Boristi Church, the Restless Death, the Strange Broo, Felster Lake, The Birth of Chaos, The West's worst magi award, The guild of Chaos Monks. 6,- DM or 2 UKP

Postage for each issue is 2.50 DM or 1 UKP. Send eurocheques or a bank draft to a german bank to:

Ingo Tschinke
Schevemoorer Landstrasse 33
D - 28325 Bremen

Chaos Society headman and editor of Tradetalk

End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #615

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