Weather in River of Cradles

From: Chris and Cora Lemens <>
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 23:21:02 -0500

Martin Dick points out that the River of Cradles area gets plenty of rain for agriculture. I think he's probably using the weather information on page 19 of _River_of_Cradles_. I always thought that chart was completely bogus. For example, it lists the maximum normal dily temperature as 90 degrees Fahrenheit. I thought it was supposed to be *hot* in Prax. Given the low humidity of the wind coming off Genert's Wastes, that sounds fairly pleasant compared to what any Texas resident endures. I'd raise all the maximum temperatures by 15-20 degrees and cut the rainfall by 50% or more. Then its rather like Dallas (except the wind's from the wrong direction). I'd also lower the minimu temperatures by about 10 degrees, except for fire season. It gets really cold in the desert at night, even in the summer.

Chris Lemens

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