NA Tales Rep

From: Neil Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 14:28:42 -0700

Guy Hoyle asks....

> Sorry to bug you, but I need to see about the status of my subscription to
> Tales. Who's the North American rep these days, and how can I get in
> touch?

That would be me (Neil Robinson).

aren't sure of your balance (it was included with the last mailing), just ask.

I have just received Tales 18 and will begin the laborous task of getting them packaged up for shipping this weekend.

I also have number of other products (like the Rough Guide to Glamour) and will be sending out an e-mail with my costs on the weekend.



P.S. Note the new address - I moved to the yuppie east-side of Puget Sound.

Neil Robinson
NA Tales Rep		(425) 401-9424

5610 126th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98006

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