Julian Lord wrote:
> Alexandre Lanciani :
> > Can someone killed by Chaos be resurrected?
- -..
> A few chaotics have Entropic chaos features.
> Most of these features actually affect the chaotic,
> and it becomes an incomplete entity, either physically
> or spiritually (many (perhaps most) broos who don't have
> a RQ Chaotic Feature have spiritual mutations, some of them
> entropic). Entropic spiritual mutations might annihilate
> the chaotic's capacity for love, hatred, fear, or other
> emotions; or its ability to speak, or write;
> its ability to use magic; its ability to learn; etc ...
> (Non-entropic spiritual mutations give you a Weird
> and twisted mind; you go stark, raving mad)
Oooo, nasty. As a GM I quite like the idea of annihilating
a PC's capacity for a certain emotion, or abilities... not
capriciously mind you :-)