A Choir of Gamlak - The Sad Truth

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 01:32:36 -0700 (PDT)


Darval and others have been discussing gamlaks and what they might be. These beasties are not in fact mentioned in KOS at all, but are an invention for my Far Point Lagerwater campaign, and have been mentioned
(peripherally) in several articles and short stories. The most relevant
references are:

""What is it, do you think, that is the finest music in all the world?"....

 "The song of the gamlak under the red moon", said Arson Hunted-By-Bear, for he was never afraid to kiss the trickster.""

I found the auroch speculation fascinating, as the parallels weren't something I'd considered before. In fact (IMG at least), gamlaks are manta ray-like flying creatures, several metres in length. Otherwise silent, at various unpredictable times they sing together in 'choirs' (collective noun) producing a haunting and ethereal music that can have profound effects on listeners. Gamlaks were first sighted by the Bluefoot shortly after the invasion of Sartar. Because of their singing, and because they do not seem to have a digestive tract, many regard them as chaotic and kill them whenever possible. (They do not register as Chaos magically, but the effects of their singing have been likened to Nysalorian (of course) Illumination). More practically, they are valued by hunters for their extremely smooth, leather-like skin, which reflects all the soft translucent colours of the rainbow.

CAMPAIGN SPOILER - (Antti, Alistair, Pip, don't read this).


In the GM view of things, the mysterious gamlak are in fact draconic in origin, and are either the now carnate aberrant thoughts and emotions of a dragon OR something to do with the draconic reproduction cycle. They are part of the campaign's big story, to do with the Vinga-led rediscovery of the Youfish cult of Orlanth Dragonfriend, the alliance with the dragonewts and the empowerment of the monster Argrath Dragon Pawn.


In regard to gamlak, auroch and other beasties, remember that many parts of Sartar (and especially the Far Place) are essentially frontiers where the competition between human settlement and megafauna is still seeking a new equilibrium. After hundreds of years free from human occupation, the 'beast wilderness across the ghost line' is again settled. While not as traumatic as the first human occupations of say, North America or Australia, the effects at the top of the food chain are still profound. The great aurochs are gone from the southern hills, retreating to the north and into the isolated upland meadows. When you also consider the
(environmentally-recent) release of the beastmen from the Youf zoos, there
is no doubt that the Sartar ecology is still in upheaval, and that beast tribe disappearances and explosions, discoveries and rediscoveries will be common for centuries to come.



"There was a muddy centre before we breathed.  There was a myth before the myth began,  Venerable and articulate and complete.

 From this the poem springs: that we live in a place  That is not our own and, much more, not ourselves,  And hard it is in spite of blazoned days."

        Wallace Stevens. "Notes Towards A Supreme Fiction"

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