> >> Having three levels of Mastery to qualify as Rune level seems to me
> >> to mean that the possible scale in HW to be more Finely Tuned then I
> >> would have initially thought.
> >Well, that's one way of looking at it; pointlessly small-grained, would
> >be another. It's effectively putting about 50ish 'increments' between
> >Joe Orlanthi and Rune Lord, which is 'worse than' RQ2 (or Pendragon), and
> >'about as bad as' RQ3. Is the distinction between 13WW and 14WW in
> >such a scale worth caring about any more than the difference between
> >73% and 74% was?
>The enormous assumption you are making here is that you are assuming that
>experience and character development in HW works like RQ. It doesn't.
>What if you could go to the hero plane, steal a spirit, and suddenly
>jump 20 points in a skill? Kinda gets rid of the small-grained problem.
>Incorrect assumptions lead to non-existant problems. You are trying
>to fit the partial set of rules you know into the RQ mold. It will
>not fit.
Eric, I realize that all this speculation can seem obtuse and non-productive to you, seeing as you are closer to the development process. Speaking only for myself, Alex's questions seem just fine, even though I like what I have seen in HW so far (or, have less questions, anyway).
Looking at Glorantha through the lens of RQ was all we had for years and years. I find it difficult to take off the old spectacles and adjust to the contact lens, like I would assume most people would. You will probably find yourself having to repeat your points quite a number of times. Don't let it stress you out.
>Frankly, the list already looks much like your list. However, you
>just spent three paragraphs whining about nomenclature, which Doyle
>agreed was misleading. He was just giving an example, not saying
>what the list should be.
>Why can't you assume that the rules will work?
The obvious answer is: he is not sure they will.
I have faith in Robin's initial design, as well as Greg's (and whoever else is involved) abilities as developer(s). But I still want to ask questions and discuss issues.
Everything is going to be absolutely fine. No matter how much we worry.
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