
From: Eric Rowe <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 16:30:58 -0700

More confusion from tentacles.

>Staying firmly on the fence, since I don't feel I know enough about the
>system to pass judgement: but I did hear some Numbers at Tentacles
>that might add something to the argument:

>Rune Level: 3 levels of mastery, yes.

Nick Brooke helped me track down the source of much of the levels confusion from tentacles; Greg's handout.

In its list of sample magnitudes it states "5WWW = Magnitude of an ordinary Priest"

That was just a rushed job copyediting. 5WWW = Average magnitude of a tribal magical leader.

A clan level or kingdom level magical leader would have smaller and larger magnitudes, respectively. And, these are just guidelines, there will always be exceptions, those are generally the most fun.

There are no rune level equivalents in HW. RQ did not differentiate between different 'levels' of priests that exist in Glorantha (and the real world), HW does. But socially, not with stats.

Please don't take anything on Greg's handouts to be 'official' rules. They are still just playtest equivalents and if you have questions or comments on them please take them to Greg ( For clarification. They were put together hastily by Greg for the convention to show concepts, not details, and likely contain many more errors.

Eric Rowe

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