>I have a question for the list concerning elves. I am aware that the cognate
>for Yelmalio (i.e., god of the mountain sun) is Halamalao, and I've seen a
>reference to the Father of Plants as Falamal.
Correctomundo save that neither Halamalao or Yelmalio is the Mountain Sun. That's Elmal, the Sun as worshipped by hillmen.
>I can accept that the GLs
>adapted Falamal to Flamal, and that Monrogh adapted Halamalao to Yelmalio,
>but what would the cognates be for some of the other deities? For instance,
>is the deity known to Sartarites as Aldrya called Aladariya?
Monrogh did not adapt Halamalao as Yelmalio existed long before he was born. Aldrya is uncognated as that is the Goddess's name.
>It is thought
>that Babeester Gor is worshipped by the elves; was this worship adopted by
>the elves from human forms, or is there an elven cognate of the Holy Avenger
>of the Earth?
Babeester Gor is Bebester.
Arroin (Chalana Arroy's son) is Eron, the Healing Waters.
Chalana Arroy simply becomes the Hero Chalaneron and is not Eron's mother.
Zorak Zoran is Zazakzor.
Arachne Solara is presumably Sanarana.
'Oakfed' is Harakakara.
IMO Zazakzor, Eron and Bebeester were the original names and were adopted by humans. Chalana Arroy is not elvish but the linkage between her and Eron is a historical human synthesis.
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