
From: Karin Goihl & Daniel Fahey <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 11:10:59 +0200

>Joerg wrote:
>>One of their leaders, Joseph Greenface, was a (the?) foremost advocate for
>a united rebellion at Sartar High Council (another freeform I overlooked,
>published in Wyrm's Footprints). It was ducks (or at least a party
including several

Right! Fabian and I ran this freeform years ago at a German con. Funny as hell, for us. We kept making up little extra rumors to tell some players during the game. We told the Storm Khan that the beer donated for the meeting by the Wilmskirk mayor had been watered. Soon afterwards some of the Wilmskirk Thanes were beaten up.
If you ever get a chance to run this game, do so. Daniel

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