>Babeester Gor is Bebester.
>Arroin (Chalana Arroy's son) is Eron, the Healing Waters.
>Chalana Arroy simply becomes the Hero Chalaneron and is not Eron's mother.
>Zorak Zoran is Zazakzor.
>Arachne Solara is presumably Sanarana.
>'Oakfed' is Harakakara.
>IMO Zazakzor, Eron and Bebeester were the original names and
>were adopted by humans. Chalana Arroy is not elvish but the
>linkage between her and Eron is a historical human synthesis.
I like this idea. Presumably Arroin was added on by the GLs simply because
they're both healing gods. I always thought Arroin was mostly superfluous,
theogonically speaking. Does this point up to a Water connection for Arroin?
End of The Glorantha Digest V6 #633
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