HW mechanics.

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_yeats.ucc.ie>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:14:30 +0100 (BST)

> Well, even ignoring whatever additional magical abilities/hero feats
> such a person might get, they are invulnerable in a fight even with a
> 'typical' rune lord - and if that isn't considered superhuman I shudder to
> think what is!

If a 'typical' RL is W or WW (and I note confusion still reigns on this point), then a WWW is not _invulnerable_ in a contest with them. Has a pretty big advantage, yes...

Steve Barnes:
> Suddenly I'm concerned. Did I miss something, or is WWW equivalent to
> 60 in Pendragon (and 300% in RQ)?

Depends what you mean by 'equivalent to'. Game mechanically, a 18W works a lot like having a 38 skill in Pendragon[*], so higher levels are somewhat like an extrapolation of the PD scale. (PD basically just grinds to a halt at 39, even moreso than RQ3 does at 100ish.) But this says nothing about what such numbers _represent_ in the game world...

[*] Significant differences: convention is low roll is good, as opposed to high is good, which makes a significant difference; and that Criticals aren't quite so... well, critical. And you can still fail with 18W, whereas you can't with a PD 38.


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