Re: the 24 tribes of Sartar

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 19:32:57 +0100 (BST)

David D'n'me...
> > > BTW, note that the Pol-joni are one of the 24...
> > Still ain't buyin'. A fairly fundamental requirement for being a
> > 'tribe of Sartar' is that ones lives _in_ Sartar, I'd have thought...
> If you keep doubting often enough, you may be right. This info did after
> all come from Greg, who's ocassionally changed his mind.

And occassionally has talked through his hat, too. ;-) I think a lot of this stems from how seriously one takes the 24 number. If it's a Especial Significance, what about the period before the destruction of the Madober? Where there then, 25?

> But I think the most fundamental requirement is that you accept Sartar (or
> one of his line) as king.

I agree. (Or as prince, to be picky.)

> See KoS.135: "there formed a bond between the
> land of Sartar and the people of the Poljoni" and KoS.136: "the Poljoni
> became firmly loyal to the Sartar cause."

Those both suggest to me 'allies', not 'subjects'. (I know Joerg quibbled about the term 'subject' before, but I'm still in search of a better one.)


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