Re: Extra Vingan magic?

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 15:51:05 -0700

Jane Williams asked of King of Dragon Pass:

> > For example, we added magic for Vinga that helps explorers. This helps
> > give the player some control over the safety of exploration, and means
> > you have to choose which Vingan magic to get from a shrine.

> Sounds interesting. I seem to vaguely remember several KoS Vingans
> being pathfinders, scouts, and so on, so it all fits historically. But
> mythically? "Pathfinder" is an Issaries title. And we've (I've) been told
> way too many times that Vinga is game-equivalent to Orlanth
> Adventurous, with no extras allowed. How does she get this explorer
> aspect? Does OA get it as well? Or what?

Issaries already had plenty of fine magic, appropriate to the game. Vinga didn't.

In the context of the computer game, there is no Orlanth Adventurous.

So I think the answer is, "or what."

The computer game is a pretty good model of how an Orlanthi clan is run (although it's very light on the internal politics), but it's not necessarily as useful for describing an individual Orlanthi.

David Dunham     A Sharp
Voice/Fax: 206 783 7404
Efficiency is intelligent laziness.

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