Sartarite cities

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 19:55:49 +1200

Julian Lord:

>> >The Cities [...] appear on the list, suggesting that they count as
>> >Tribes for some purposes (Voting, etc.?).

>> They don't.

>At the very least, they must count for maintenance of the royal
>household ...

In what way? The Cities are the focus of tribal confederations. Thus counting them as tribes in their own right would be nonsensical to the Sartarites.

>It also appears that there are Sartarite clans (maybe just families,
>called "clans" for legal reasons ?) who belong to cities, not

I doubt that any such clans exist. Why on earth would anybody on the City Ring pay attention to them?

> Tribal population / 500 = number of clans in Tribe,
> and, yes, fractions are listed ...
> There are exactly 21.6 Telmori clans, for instance ...

A clan is much larger than 500 people.

>However, bravely assuming that the 10.8 "clans" of Boldhome *do* have
>some sort of existence, their "Tribal King" would be the head of the
>city council.

Boldhome has a population of roughly 11,000 people and has no tribal king. There's no palace of the Tribal King of Boldhome in Boldhome.

>and he would be their representative before the King.

Such people are more trouble than they are worth as they challenge the King's _own_ authority.

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