I think every words of every language
which have not only actual meaning, but historical and legendary meaning.
For example, "emperor" of europeans is in actually sense, "great king".
But in historically and legendary sense, "triumphant" who killed more than
five- thousands in roman republic,
"first man of senator" in early roman fictious circumstances of
Augustus(this fiction also used by Napoleon), later, general-emperors made
themselves as "dominus et deus noster, god-emperor."
In persian legend of Shah-name(book of kings) written by Firdausi,
Shah-han-shah or Padishah is the great king who have linerally blood of
prophets(elder god-like-kings, Zoroaster?, later Muhammad and Ali) and
mandate of the heaven ring(Fuwalnaf).
I think Seiah sect of muslim has same sense to 7 or 12 Imams who had blood
of great-general Ali, moon-daughter Fatima and tragedical Hussain.
Hussain had well-known legend that his mother was the princess of last
Padishah in elder great Sassanoid Empire under heaven ring like Ivan the
Great of Russia married to the princess of the last byzantine emperor and
titled himself Czar.