MOB's Glorantha Page has a new - and permanent - address, now located at:
Please update your links! I have added quite a bit of new material to the site, so pop over and have a look. New stuff includes my two MGF-style tournaments "Rune Metal Jacket" and "The Getting of Wisdom", with MGF character sheets and rules. There are also new "Nochet" and "Sun County" sections; plus a few bits 'n pieces added to the existing material, such as the Mandarin Why Too-K, and his seemingly-impossible task of checking every single abacus in the Empire by the end of the year!
I'll let you know about any future updates here on the Digest. Plans included more "Secret History of Sun County" material, and other stuff in my teetering pile of unpublished undiluted Gloranthan Gold(tm).
MOB PS I want to publically thank Jane Williams for hosting my Glorantha Page for the past few months at her own site. Ta!
Email me at home: Email me at work: MOB's Home Page: MOB's Glorantha Page: DOB Footy Scrapbook: ------------------------------
End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #30
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