Re: Snow Trolls

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 07:26:26 EDT

Steve Royle:

<< Do Snow Trolls worship Gorrakiki and have a close association with Insects as
 other Trolls do? If so, which Insects, or do they use other creatures or are the conditions to nasty to support them? >>

       The Book of Uz from Trollpak states that the primary deities for the Snow Trolls, besides KL, are Himile and Zong. Still, they do worship some other deities too (notably Xiola Umbar) and Gorakiki could be among them. The problem, I suppose, is that there isn't much for giant insects to eat up on the glacier, so while the trolls there are still nominally associated with them they may not often see any. In troll society, Gorakiki-worshippers primarily function as herdsmen, a role lacking among the primitive Snow Trolls because of the harsh conditions.

       The occaisional exception probably exists, especially if it makes the game more fun, but on the whole I'd suggest its a minor aspect of their society.

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