King of Dragon Pass update

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 15:09:26 -0700

Here's the latest news about King of Dragon Pass, the first Gloranthan computer game (and first product to appear with the Hero Wars logo):

The product is working its way through manufacturing, and we still expect to ship the first orders on 29 October 1999.

Our first ad has hit the stands, in the December 1999 issue of Realms of Fantasy. (So the word "Glorantha" has appeared in the media...)

We now have our secure order page (visit <>), so you can place pre-orders for the game (your credit card won't be billed until the order is shipped).

Many of you who aren't in the USA have been asking about how to get it locally (i.e. without paying regrettably high shipping costs). I don't have all the details yet, but it's my understanding that the game will be distributed in the UK by Esdevium. American distributors will also be carrying it, though I have less information there. This means that your local game shop can stock it.

You can also order through Wizard's Attic or Monkey Byte (see

We will not be carried by large chains such as CompUSA or EB. Our marketing budget simply can't support this.

In fact, our marketing budget can't support anything right now (other than the already-placed ads), so we're asking for some help from you, the Glorantha fans. You can help by spreading the word about King of Dragon Pass, reviewing the game when it's released, asking your local game store to carry it, or setting up a web site devoted to the game. (If you set up a fan site, let us know so we can link to it -- there's also an undocumented feature or two we can share.)

If you'd like to know more about the game itself, see

David Dunham     A Sharp
Voice/Fax: 206 783 7404
Efficiency is intelligent laziness.

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