Re: Khoi-San; new topic: Ken Rolston

From: Martin Crim <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:47:53 -0400

Dave Pearton scripsit sic:

>Actually Xhosa is a "Bantu" or Nguni language and in RQ one could
>understand it with the 1/3 penalty for related lanuages if one spoke for
>eg Zulu, Swazi or Sepedi. I wonder if you meant Xhoi-San which used to
>be known as Bushman - the language of the nomadic hunter-gatherers of the

<D'oh!> ... I was just testing your linguistic skills. Tho' isn't it usually spell Khoi-San, not Xhoi-San?

After I wrote that piece, Sandy P. put forth a lot of work on the languages of Pamaltela, with clicks in the _Doraddi_ languages. As I recall, the Trickster's name had all 3 clicks in it.

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