Re: Loper Teleportation

From: Kevin Rose <>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 00:28:46 -0600 (CST)

Quickly searching the digest I find that Sandy Petersen once wrote, on 27 July 1996:

David Cake asked:
>Does anyone have any information about the (now-extinct?) loper
>people (mentioned in the Annilla writeup), and what lopers were?
>The returned loper people sound like cool villains

The Loper People were a Pamaltelan tribe. A group of them were stranded in Genertela about the same time as the Agimori. They are known to have existed in the First Age, but either went into hiding or became extinct in the Second Age, and are not proven to exist in the Third Age.

        Lopers are largish animals, described sometimes as "kangaroo-like", and in fact they _are_ kangaroo-like in that they are hopping bipeds with a long flexible tail. But there the similarities end. Lopers are not even mammals, as far as I know. They are very agile and can leap freely. Most impressively, they are able to teleport. They seem to be semi-intelligent.

        They are ridden by blue-skinned Veldang.

In Pamaltela, the Lopers were once widespread, though never numerous. (The Loper breeding cycle is even worse than the Panda's, though not as bad as a Chthonian's.) The Loper tribes of Jolar are now gone, possibly destroyed or driven out by the Six-Leggers. The Lopers are also unknown in Tarien, where presumably the Slarges compete. There might be Lopers in Zamokil or Kothar, whence little news travels.

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