Joraz's importance

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 20:23:57 +1300

Keith Nellist:

>Joraz and the horse riders are mentioned in every history of Pavis I've
>ever seen, the land is set aside for their horses, they are the ones who
>go and get help to drive out Thog.

Which is as expected since Joraz did become King of Pavis. But note that Pavis's children were unsuited to rule after Pavis retired so they turned to Joraz. That suggests that he wasn't in the Inner Circle of being eligible to bonk Pavis's daughters, like Flintnail was.

Since you show nothing to prove that there were no Theyalans among the original inhabitants of Pavis and you refuse to accept my evidence, we are stalemated.

>I agree that [Joraz] has compromised his ancient purity, but what
>suddenly makes him speak another language, totally unrelated to his own?

When he was kicked out of Robcradle by the Giants and fled to Dragon pass and needed some way of communicating with the EWF there?

>Do you think that Pure Horse Tongue is some sort of magical language
>that remains unchanged as long as you remain Pure?

IMO the Pure Horse way of life require many taboos to be observed to work. If you break one of these taboos, then you can pretty much break the rest of them because you are no longer Pure. The Pure Horse Tongue remained mostly unchanged because of these taboos rather than any intrinsic magical nature (although nobody can tell the difference).

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