I'm beginning now a new campaign that incorporates PD's traits. But I'm in doubt about which traits are religious virtues for each God and what the religious bonuses should be.
This is how I see it so far: Orlanth: Generous, Just, Pious, Prudent, Valorous; bonus +15% to a sword skill. Storm Bull: Energetic, Proud, Reckless, Valorous, Vengeful; bonus +1d6 dmg (only against chaos creatures?). Issaries: Energetic, Honest, Just, Prudent, Worldly; bonus +15% to a communication skill. Trickster: Deceitful, Indulgent, Lustful, Lazy, Selfish; bonus ??? . Aeolian: Generous, Forgiving, Merciful, Proud, Valorous; bonus get double presence from the High Vow. Shaman: Honest, Pious, Suspicious, Temperate, Vengeful; bonus ??? . Could you please advise me? Tnx... ;-) Cheers, A personality Alex. ------------------------------
End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #156
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