Humakt & Uleria.. Life vs Death...

From: Tim <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 21:22:36 -0000

The recent comments on Uleria and Humakt prompted the following obscure thought.....

If Humakti are less fertile (magically) but are just as "randy" as the average Orlanthi, then maybe this explains why soldiers have some interesting reputations with women.... If you know you can sleep with women without worrying about pregnancy... Gives a whole new meaning to using a Great Sword ;-) hehe (or, in the case of female Humakti, with guys without the same problem)

Altho, it must be said, the only female Humakti I have in my character folders is a lesbian... "Erika Iceheart". I guess you get the image.. most people get the idea, or get told by people who know of her when she walks into the pub.. but you invariably get the odd idiot who thinks he can score with the sexy blonde sword lady .. and makes some joke about sword play.. only to end up on the floor, saying "wha' hit me...?" after she displays her high skill with Punch...

(In case you are interested, her girlfriend is an Issaries trader from Esrolia... they get some funny looks sometimes.. but would you argue with a Sword of Humakt..?)

Tim Minas

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