Irippi Ontor (a former Grey Sage) replaces Lhanhkhorh Mhyhhhhhhh (insert additional "h" as needed) and does not have the elder's flaw of obscurity.
Yanafal Tarnils (a former Sword) replaces Humakt and does not have the elder's flaw of inflexibility.
Teelo Norri was a young girl who was waylaid and killed to give a body to the Red Goddess. I read "young girl" to potentially mean "under Voria". Voria's "flaw" from the Lunar perspective was that she is simply too passive. Her "protection" ultimately didn't amount to diddly. When Teelo Norri confronted her former patron, it was this weakness, this passivity that was Voria's downfall, just as it was Humakt's rigidity that was his downfall (although Humakti would claim that Yanafal Tarnils cheated by accepting magical healing or resurrection during the confrontation--I forget which).
I just don't see Voria as some kind of badass.
End of The Glorantha Digest V7 #201
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